Data Stewardship Council celebrates 20th meeting

The Data Stewardship Council, which has been an ongoing resource at Northeastern University for the past 6 years, celebrated its 20th meeting on Thursday, June 22nd. The DSC is a forum of Data Stewards from various business areas around the university which is led by the Data Administration team from University Decision Support. The group is charged with facilitating data curation activities and makes decisions related to data definitions, business policies, business rules, data security, and data quality throughout the data life cycle.

The DSC celebrated many accomplishments over the past 20 meetings including leading several initiatives like creating a process and supported mechanism for university members to request ODS/Argos access, defining Shared Data Standards and Business Concepts, constructing Data Classification Guidelines, and undertaking the Banner Duplicates Resolution process. The initiatives led by the DSC, and its associated subgroups, have helped to mature the university’s data governance model and make Northeastern a leading example for similar institutions. At the meeting, the group also took the time to recognize high performers, key contributors and rising stars serving on the DSC – some members have been with the group since the beginning! After everything the DSC has accomplished in the past 20 meetings, we look forward to seeing what the group can do in the future.

DSC members pictured above (left to right): Mike Mallon (Accounts Payable), Tom Waldman (Information Security), Tricia Wood (Internal Audit), Joan Cyr (ORAF), Tony Erwin (Financial Aid), Stan Duci (Facilities), Val Nestor (UDS), Charles Price (Registrar), Barbara Smith (GC), John Bielaus (UDS), John McNally (Compliance), Chuck Torrey (EDS), Mindy Anastasia (NUPAN), Rana Glasgal (UDS), Michel Feldman (UDS), Lesley Pratt (Advancement), Shane Karcz (Enrollment Management), Lia Mancuso (UDS).