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Covid-19 Tenure Extension Requests

In light of the coronavirus crisis and likely impact to teaching, research, and service, the Office of the Provost has amended the tenure clock extension policy to be applicable to all tenure-track faculty who were hired before July 1, 2020. A candidate may request to extend their tenure clock by one year any time before July 1 of the year when dossier is due (e.g., if the dossier is due October 1, 2024, the candidate may request an extension any time before July 1, 2024). The candidate’s request, with rationale, should be sent via email to Deb Franko, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, with a copy to the candidate’s unit head and dean. All submitted requests will be approved. The candidate will receive an approval letter to which the candidate will need to respond and indicate acknowledgment and agreement to the new tenure review date. All interested candidates are advised to contact their associate dean for faculty and/or unit head to discuss their plans well in advance of making the request. Once a tenure extension year is granted, requests to reverse the approval back to the original tenure review year will be accepted only under very exceptional circumstances.


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