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David Luzzi

Senior Vice Provost for Research and Vice President of the Innovation Campus


Since arriving at the university in 2007 as dean of the College of Engineering, David Luzzi has contributed to many of the discussions, initiatives, and actions that have transformed Northeastern into a top-tier research university. Under his leadership, new academic programs were launched, such as the PhD in bioengineering and the Master of Science in energy systems. Many faculty members and professional researchers were recruited, hired, tenured, and promoted, and important achievements were made in philanthropy and the cultivation and recruitment of corporate and alumni leaders. 

Recently, Luzzi has led university colleagues and external partners in the transformation of Northeastern’s campus in Burlington, Massachusetts, into a vibrant innovation ecosystem. Under his helm, the Innovation Campus and related Kostas Research Institute for Homeland Security endeavors have contributed significantly to the growth of research at the university. The Burlington campus was selected as home for the Army Research Laboratory, Northeast, and Kostas-related grants and contracts have brought in $22.5 million of awards in FY18 alone. These programs have provided research funding to 41 Northeastern faculty members and their research groups in the College of Arts, Media and Design; Khoury College of Computer Sciences; College of Engineering; College of Science; and College of Social Sciences and Humanities. The author of more than 120 scientific articles, Luzzi is a professor of mechanical and industrial engineering. 


David Luzzi

Amanda Pearlstein
Executive Assistant to the Senior Vice Provost for Research


110 Churchill Hall 360
Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

(617) 373–2000

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